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This repo has a blog post about my analysis for CVE-2018-19987 an authenticated OS command injection affecting multiple D-Link routers


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CVE-2018-19987 (D-Link OS command injection) analysis Twitter URL

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Hello there!

In this short blog post I'll break down a quick analysis that I performed to better understand the details behind CVE-2018-19987. At the beginning I went after this CVE because I thought that there wasn't any public information or exploit. Shortly after doing a first analysis, I found two public PoCs on GitHub that you can find here and here.

As I had already done most of the work and hadn't found a complete analysis, I decided to write the blog post anyways.

I hope you enjoy it!

Update: Well.. after googling while I was stuck with this blog post I found the following article that describes a very similar vulnerability (CVE-2018-19986) in the D-Link DIR-818. Router vulnerability analysis series (5): CVE-2018-19986 DIR-818LW&828 command injection vulnerability analysis and reproduction (Google translated) by Ogur1.

CVE-2018-19987 Analysis

I started my analysis gathering all the information I could about the device:

Root cause analysis

Note: I performed all the analysis with firmware v3.01B02.

Public information for this vulnerability, available on Mitre's page, provided enough information to start:

D-Link DIR-822 Rev.B 202KRb06, DIR-822 Rev.C 3.10B06, DIR-860L Rev.B 2.03.B03, DIR-868L Rev.B 2.05B02, DIR-880L Rev.A 1.20B01_01_i3se_BETA, and DIR-890L Rev.A 1.21B02_BETA devices mishandle IsAccessPoint in /HNAP1/SetAccessPointMode. In the SetAccessPointMode.php source code, the IsAccessPoint parameter is saved in the ShellPath script file without any regex checking. After the script file is executed, the command injection occurs. A vulnerable /HNAP1/SetAccessPointMode XML message could have shell metacharacters in the IsAccessPoint element such as the `telnetd` string.

To begin the analysis I needed something to take a look at, so I proceeded to extract the router's FS.

binwalk -eM DIR822C1_FW301WWb02.bin

0             0x0             DLOB firmware header, boot partition: "dev=/dev/mtdblock/1"
10380         0x288C          LZMA compressed data, properties: 0x5D, dictionary size: 8388608 bytes, uncompressed size: 4213444 bytes
1376372       0x150074        PackImg section delimiter tag, little endian size: 10505216 bytes; big endian size: 5021696 bytes
1376404       0x150094        Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 4.0, compression:lzma, size: 5019773 bytes, 2282 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: 2016-03-18 09:35:31

As we can see Binwalk does detect a Linux file system. If we take a deeper look at the information we have, we can see that the advisory mentions the /HNAP1 path. So, we can start looking at how the router handles these URLs.

HNAP1 Requests handling

As explained in the excellent /dev/tty0 blog post, these URLs at the end are handled by a binary called cgibin, located at htdocs/cgibin. But I wanted to better understand how this was configured and in the end it led me to have to understand how the HTTP server was configured to process requests. I proceeded to look for the httpd.conf file name, assuming that was used to configure the HTTP server, and found a file called HTTP.php under the /etc/services/ folder, containing among other things the following interesting lines:

$httpd_conf = "/var/run/httpd.conf";
fwrite("a",$START, "xmldbc -P /etc/services/HTTP/httpcfg.php > ".$httpd_conf."\n");
fwrite("a",$START, "event PREFWUPDATE add /etc/scripts/\n");
fwrite("a",$START, "httpd -f ".$httpd_conf."\n");
fwrite("a",$START, "event HTTP.UP\n");
fwrite("a",$START, "exit 0\n");

I assumed that at some point this file is executed and writes the /var/run/httpd.conf file. To learn how the web server was configured, I proceeded to analyze the /etc/services/HTTP/httpcfg.php file (I only included the relevant parts):

	if ($hnap > 0)
		"		Control".							"\n".
		"		{".									"\n".
		"			Alias /HNAP1".					"\n".
		"			Location /htdocs/HNAP1".		"\n".
		"			External".						"\n".
		"			{".								"\n".
		"				/usr/sbin/hnap { hnap }".	"\n".
		"			}".								"\n".
		"			IndexNames { index.hnap }".		"\n".
		"		}".									"\n";

Now we have all the pieces! We can assume that the web server is configured to handle HTTP requests to /HNAP1 using the /usr/sbin/hnap, and based on /dev/tty0 blogpost we know that it will be a link to the htdocs/cgibin binary.

The next step was to take a look at the cgibin binary to understand how it handled HNAP requests. In the following image we can see part of the decompiled main function where the path URL path passed to it is compared against different paths (such as session.cgi, authentication.cgi, captcha.cgi, to name a few) until hnap is found and our function hnap_main is called.

note: While analyzing the main function, I had some issues identifying the hnap string as Ghidra did not detect it as string during the initial analysis.

The next step was to understand what this function did. I'll provide only snippets of code for the relevant parts that will help to better understand what the function does, also I will complete other relevant parts with some pseudocode —I renamed some variables to clarify its purpose.

__haystack = getenv("HTTP_COOKIE");
pcVar1 = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");

if (HTTP_SOAPACTION != "") {
	if  (HTTP_SOAPACTION == GetDeviceSettings) {
	} else {
		// These actions will occur during auth. Process
		if ("GetCAPTCHAsetting" in HTTP_SOAPACTION) {
		} else {
			if ("Login" in HTTP_SOAPACTION) {
			// We'll land here once auth.
			if (HNAP_AUTH != "") {
				if ("uid=" in HTTP_COOKIE){
					is_valid_auth = perform_auth_process()
					if (is_valid_auth) {
						if("logout" in HTTP_SOAPACTION){
						// If we are auth. and NOT trying to logout
						// the code will try to perform the action
						// we requested
						} else {
							// If we arrive here we win
							// interesting code below
							goto LAB_004141d4;

			// If we are not authenticated we can't do anything
			Return "You need proper authorization to use this resource"
} else {

    hnap_action = get_hnap_operation(HTTP_SOAPACTION);
    if (HTTP_SOAPACTION != "") {
    	hnap_action_len = strlen(hnap_action);
	if (!check_file_access(path_to_hnap_php_file)){

		// Here arguments for the PHP are extracted
		if (hnap_action == "GetFirmwareStatus") {
        	system("sh /etc/events/ > /dev/console");

		// Here the final arguments for the xmldbc_ephp are crafted
                 "/etc/templates/hnap/", hnap_action, &ShellPath, hnap_action, &PRIVATE_KEY);

		// PHP is executed (in our case SetAccessPointMode.php) and the shell
		// script is written to ShellPath 
        snprintf(hnap_action, 0x100, "%s", hnap_action);
	   	// Shell command is built to run the previously written shell file
		// (File written by the PHP script)
        shell_command = "sh > /dev/console &";
        snprintf(cmd_to_execute, 0x100, shell_command, &PATH, hnap_action);

		// File is executed containing the command injection

Once the analysis for this function was completed, I decided to take a look at the PHP file SetAccessPointMode.php — that in the end was the one containing the flaw — and tried to put all the pieces together:

$IsAccessPoint	= query("/runtime/hnap/SetAccessPointMode/IsAccessPoint");
fwrite("w",$ShellPath, "#!/bin/sh\n");
fwrite("a",$ShellPath, "echo [$0] $1 ... > /dev/console\n");
fwrite("a",$ShellPath, "echo IsAccessPoint = ".$IsAccessPoint." > /dev/console\n");
fwrite("a",$ShellPath, "echo Result = ".$Result."\n");

As we can see, we have our $ShellPath variable which is filled by the function hnap_main and the $IsAccessPoint variable which is user-controlled and passed in the XML request sent. With this we can corroborate how an OS command injection in the variable written by the PHP file is executed. Here you can find a full poc developed by pr0v3rbs to exploit this issue.

We'll discuss a little bit more about the affected and fixed versions later. As you can see in the table below, it looks like there was some kind of regression with the patch, which reintroduced this vulnerability in versions that should have already been patched.

Firmware versions analyzed

Firmware Version MD5 hash Release date Vulnerable
DIR822C1_FW315WWb02.bin 3.15B02 WW 7121771c3e1706ba76fbf244023efad3 06/11/2019 NO
DIR822C1_FW313WWb01.bin FW v3.13 aa16c7016f67be384e0784e439ce26d2 10/07/2019 NO
DIR822C1_FW303WWb04_i4sa_middle.bin FW v3.12B04 c3b9a3f115c02e739690616aba2f2d99 26/04/2019 YES
DIR822C1_FW312WWb04.bin FW v3.12B04 eb11afbd136a5b29cea18141f727bfa8 26/04/2019 YES (*)
DIR822C1_FW311WWb01.bin FW v3.11 6d7c90eaaae835667faea65c862b3c82 01/01/2019 YES
DIR822C1_FW311bWWb01_icjg.bin 3.11B01_icjg_WW 75e361e1465604aeda5d5dbcaecca977 21/12/2018 NO
DIR822C1_FW303WWb04_i4sa_middle.bin FW v3.10B06 c3b9a3f115c02e739690616aba2f2d99 17/08/2018 YES
DIR822C1_FW310WWb06.bin FW v3.10B06 e33db75d0801fddb1c90308982e69fe5 17/08/2018 YES (*)
DIR-822_C1_FW302WWb05.bin FW v3.02 0dbf840c0ff5d3a5b593d33690e15d82 14/09/2017 YES
DIR822C1_FW301WWb02.bin FW v3.01B02 1bff7ec8b4da0643f65b4d44c630e92b 27/04/2016 YES

(*) I did not check these firmware versions as their unencrypted counterparts were vulnerable.

As we can see in the table above, the vulnerability was fixed in some firmware versions by removing the affected PHP file SetAccessPointMode.php. Once the file does not exist, checks performed in the function will fail and nothing will be executed. I confirmed this analyzing the hnap_function in firmware versions FW v3.131 and 3.15B02 WW; the code for hnap_main did not change in relation to this issue, but the PHP file was not present anymore.

What's more interesting is that somehow this bug was reintroduced in firmware version FW v3.11 up to FW v3.12B04, after being patched in version 3.11B01_icjg_WW.

Conclusions and next steps

As a first conclusion, I would say, never trust these devices as a real secure device —what happened with the updates is a clear example of why you shouldn't do so. Also, after the analysis performed I can conclude that the first PoC listed in this blog post will not work for this specific version, as we saw there are some conditions that have to be fulfilled to execute the vulnerable PHP file.

And the most important conclusion: be very careful when deciding how critical a vulnerability is based on its CVSS score. I decided to analyze this CVE as it was rated 9.8 (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H) and it's clear that, at least for this version, the attacker will need credentials to be able to exploit it.

As next steps I'll work on being able to emulate this binary to exploit this vulnerability without having access to the router itself, but that will be material for another post!

Thanks for reading.



This repo has a blog post about my analysis for CVE-2018-19987 an authenticated OS command injection affecting multiple D-Link routers







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